The international comparison program is applied on household expenditure survey
1 December 2016


With cooperation of Central Statistics Organization (CSO), Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) implemented the international comparison program (ICP) through conducting household expenditure survey.

The first round of this survey was done on 7/4/2016 and fourth and last round was done on 17/11/2016.

It is worth to mention that Sulaymani governorate was selected for this survey due to its population number and the number of districts compared to other governorates. As part to this survey, another survey, “the rent survey” was also conducted in the same governorate on June 2016.

International comparison program is an international statistical partnership program to collect information on comparative price data and detailed expenditure value on gross domestic production (GDP) of the country. It also used to estimate purchasing power parities (PPPs) of the world's economies.