Training course (the environment survey for industrial sector for 2011) was held
6 September 2012

Preparing for field work of environment survey for industrial sector, a training course held in hall of Erbil Statistics Directorate on 2/7/2012.Ministry of industry and minerals of Iraq, central statistical organization of Baghdad, Kurdistan Region statistic office, statistical directorates of Kurdistan provinces, and general industrial directorate of Kurdistan governorates  attended the course. The course longed two days.

The forms were explained by Salman Khalil from ministry of industry, Hoda Hadawi from central statistical organization of Baghdad, Fakhri Hamid from central statistical office,and Mohsin Mohammad Izat from Regional statistical office.

The forms were discussed by attendants and several corrections done over the questionnaire.

 On 4/7/2012, the participants were divided into three groups to do survey on three factories as examples to get more experiences in order to know the problems likely come to face them in field.