A - Z
- press release Sep 2020 (PressRelease)
- press release Sep for 2021 (PressRelease)
- press release the main result of food security survey in kurdistan region and iraq for 2016 (PressRelease)
- Press Releases (PressReleaseList)
- Price Index (Indicator)
- Price Index (IndicatorList)
- Price Index (Statistic)
- Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi chairs the meeting of the High Population Council in Baghdad (Article)
- Private sector Automobiles in Kurdistan region 2020 (Publication)
- Private sector Automobiles in Kurdistan region 2022 (Publication)
- Product of red meat /white meat (chicken meat)/ fish meat/ milk (Indicator)
- Products (Statistic)
- Provender (Statistic)