Winter Crops/Summer Crops Year Value
Winter Crops
**Planted area of Wheat\Donum 2022-2023 4,409,376
*The Cost of Rainfed Wheat production per donum (1000 ID) 2016-2017 121
**Planted area of barley\Donum 2022-2023 509,405
*The Cost of Rainfed barley production per donum (1000 ID) 2016-2017 99.1
Planted area of chickpea\ Donum 2022-2023 21,416
Planted area of lentil\Donum 2022-2023 647
Planted area of Corn\Donum 2022-2023 5,822
Summer Crops
Planted area of Rice/Donum 2023 22,815
Planted area of Corn\Donum 2023 56,084
*Number of farmers for winter crops in Kurdistan Region
. 2016-2017 68,704
Number of Agricultural Machinery in Kurdistan Region
Machinery Types
Tractors 2015 16,592
Harvesters 2015 1,251
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of planning & following up
*Resource: Ministry of Planning\Regional Statistics Office
**Estimated area and product

Animal Projects Year Value
Goats and Sheep farming 2022 75
Farming dairy cow 2022 84
Fattening young calf 2022 98
Fattening goat 2022 6
Poultry Projects
Poultry farms 2022 1846
Hatching eggs 2022 55
Chicken projects for edible eggs 2022 33
Fish Projects
Number of projects 2022 411
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of Animal Wealth and Veterinary

LULC Classes Year Value
Urban 2023 350,267.7
Water Body 2023 155,507.6
Dense Forest 2023 1,271,812.8
Open Forestes and Shrubland 2023 2,993,332.7
Irrigatedland 2023 1,370,011.7
Rainfed 2023 424,042.2
Arableland (5 years) 2023 648,701.7
Arableland (10 years) 2023 4,513,351.0
Grassland 2023 5,341,629.8
Desertificated Land 2023 84,932.4
Rock Surface 2023 303,736.7
Uncultivated(Abandoned farmland) 2023 1,124,342.4
*Artificial forest area / dunm 2021 35,472
*Rainfed orchards area/dunm 2021 139,967
*Irrigated orchards area/ dunm 2021 121,597
Resource: Kurdistan Region Statistics Office, *Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources

. Year Value
Number of irrigation projects (building canal and concrete streams) 2021 2,053
Number of ground dams 2021 98
*Amount of water provided by drinking water projects (m3/daily) 2021 1,608,278
*Amount of water provided from drinking water wells (m3/daily) 2021 1,234,360
Number of licensed drinking water wells 2021 12,374
Number of licensed agricultural wells 2021 10,986
Number of licensed wells for industrial projects 2021 950
*Rate of wasted water 2021 30%
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of Water Resources
*Resource: Ministry of Municipality & Tourism\ General Directorate of Water & Sewerage

Governorate/Kurdistan region Year Value
Erbil 2023 144,955
Sulaymaniyah 2023 124,744
Duhok 2023 229,934
Kurdistan region 2023 499,633
Source:Ministries of Industry and Trade

Product Type/Tons Year Value
Red meat 2022 74,428
white meat (chicken meat) 2022 284,598
Fish meat 2022 6,805
Edible eggs 2022 272,232
Milk 2022 241,950
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of Animal Wealth and Veterinary

Animal Type Year Value
Cows 2022 256,999
Sheeps 2022 3,112,876
Goats 2022 1,231,949
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of Animal Wealth and Veterinary

Number of projects Year Value
- 2022 41
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources\ General Directorate of Animal Wealth and Veterinary