
Actuarial analysis

The International Labor Organization (ILO) organized a 4-day training course on actuarial analysis for a number of employees of the Kurdistan Region Statistics Office and the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in Erbil.
20 March 2023

The 7th Scientific Conference of the Arab Statisticians’ Union is held on 8-9/3/2023 in Egypt-Cairo

under supervision of the Prime Minister of the republic of Egypt and with the coordination of Egypt Central Statistics Organization, the7th scientific conference of the Arab Statisticians’ Union was held on 8-9/3/2023in Cairo With the participation of the head of the Arab statisticians’ union, the secretary general of the Arab Statisticians’ union and the head of the scientific union of statisticians of Iraq and 77 Arab researchers in statistical field and 2researchers from KRSO two participars.
20 March 2023

Lunching the results of a new survey to strengthen the private sector in Iraq

Today, the Ministry of Planning of Kurdistan Region Government (KRG) lunched the results of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) survey for the private sector which was conducted by KRSO in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
12 December 2022

Launching the results of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) survey in the private sector

The results of the survey of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the private sector will be launched on 8/12/2022 in Rotana Hotel in Erbil. MSMEs survey was conducted for economic enterprises in private sector in the Kurdistan Region in March 2022.
7 December 2022

To present and discuss the projects and the work plan of Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) for 2023

To present and discuss the projects and the work plan of Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO) for 2023, two-day workshop was held in Sulaymaniyah governorate (30/11/2022-1/12/2022).
5 December 2022

KRSO participates in a training course on NVivo program

In cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), two teams from Kurdistan region statistics office (KRSO) and central statistics organization (CSO) participated in a training course on data analysis by using the NVivo program.
17 November 2022

Minister of Planning: our efforts continue to Develop labor markets for local workers

All surveys give us more clarity to identify the weak points and strong points stated Dr. Dara Rashid, the minister of planning of KRG in a meeting with representatives from UNDP, Team International , participation of the president of KRSO and surveys’ coordinators from KRSO.
6 November 2022

Objectives of UNFPA programs are being explained in a one-day discussion forum

On 1st Nov-2022, a one-day discussion forum was held to give information about the objectives of UNFPA programs and principle of communication on the sensitive topics such as health and reproduction, gender-based violence and youth empowerment.
3 November 2022

World Statistics Day is annually celebrated on 20 October. This Day celebrates achievements in official statistics.

Statistics is of great importance. it collects, analysis and produces big number of numerical data. This area of mathematics allows scientists to make new Breakthrough. It helps industries create safer products. Statistics help pharmacists develop the pharmaceutical sector. Meteorologists rely on statistics when making weather forecasts. Investors make better financial decisions because of the statistics.
30 October 2022

High Committee holds a meeting on the Survey of Micro, Small and Medium industrial establishments for the Private Sector (MSME)

Under the supervision of the President of the Kurdistan Region Statistics Office, the high committee held the meeting on the Survey of Micro, Small and Medium industrial establishments for the Private Sector (MSME) with participation of the statistics directors of governorates and administrations in the Kurdistan region, the technical team from KRSO, and the coordinator of the UNDP Organization in the Ministry of Planning and International Team company. the meeting was held in KRSO on 10/10/2022
19 October 2022

Workshop is held on Using Population Indicators in media

In cooperation with united nations population fund (UNGPA), the head of Iraqi Central Statistical Organization and President of Kurdistan Region Statistics Office supervised a workshop on using population statistical indicators in media between 12-13/10/2022.
17 October 2022

A workshop is held on establishing Social and Gender-Based Violence Information Management System

to establish a Social and Gender-Based Violence Information Management System, a workshop was held on 13/9/2022 in Van Royal hotel in Erbil.
29 September 2022

Multidimensional Poverty index (MPI) Workshop is held in Amman, Jordan

Validating the multidimensional poverty index (MPI) report, a three-day workshop was held in Amman, Jordan between 6-8/9/2022.
12 September 2022

Training courses are conducted for industrial index survey for large establishments 2020 is conducted

To measure big industrial production index in 2020, two training courses were caried out.
24 July 2022

Training course on the survey of use information technology in Households (HHs) is held

A training course to survey the use of information technology in household for 2022 was held on 3/7/2022.
24 July 2022

The president of KRSO participated in the fifth meeting of the population and census high committee in Iraq.

Supervised by Minister of planning of Iraq, Serwan Mohammed, president of KRSO participated in the fifth meeting of the census high committee in Iraq. The meeting was held in Baghdad, Monday 6/6/2022.
16 June 2022

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi chairs the meeting of the High Population Council in Baghdad

On behalf of the minister of Planning in the Kurdistan Region, the president of KRSO participated in the meeting of the Iraqi High Population Council chaired by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi in Baghdad on June 9,2022 attended by Ministers of finance, education, health, ministry of sport and youth and the head of the central statistical organization and DG of Human Development in Ministry of Planning.
16 June 2022

President of KRSO attends a meeting on the census in Baghdad

Having been invited by ministry of planning of Iraq, head of KRSO accompanied by secretary of high committee of census in KR attended the meeting of ministry of planning with census operation room and census executive administration on 25 may 2022.
1 June 2022

A training course on small industrial establishments is held in Baghdad

In Cooperation with CSO, a two-day training course was held in which local supervisors and field enumerators were trained on how to fill out the survey form.
1 June 2022

A training course is held on tourism establishments survey for 2022

To train the field enumerators on how to fill out the questionnaire of tourism establishments, a three-day training course was held in Dohuk Statistics Directorate.
31 May 2022